PT. CISI RAYA MAIN (CISI) resembles an exclusive directory, entitled "Standard of Indonesia MANUFACTURERS Directory". This directory is the first edition and is the result of a study of 8000 manufacturing companies in Indonesia. Of the research results were found various constraints, such as: The change of name, address, status, and there are several companies that mergers are even some companies that has been ceased their activities. These obstacles makes CISI could only provide 7,000 companies.

PETROCHEMICAL Industry & Market Studies in Indonesia and the Prospects Up to 2015

PETROCHEMICAL is one of the supporting products of chemical industry, which last several years the overall growth is slowing. However, the petrochemical industry, have a variety of products upstream to downstream the demand growth has a different trend in the future.

Oleo chemical Industrial Studies and Marketing in Indonesia and the Prospects Up to 2015

Recently the government through the field of the economic ministers gave the green light with a promise to provide special incentives to prospective investors who are interested in the industrial sector Oleo chemical. It is not known in detail forms of incentives, but at least assistance of liquidity capitalization in this industry sector would be looser than other sectors. These incentives also refer to the "Regulation of the President of the Republic Indonesia No. 28 On May 7, 2008 ". This Presidential Regulation Program is to strengthen the National Long Term Development Plan of years 2005 to 2025.

Standard of Indonesian PALM OIL Directory, 2010

Indonesia is a country which has great potential in the development or investment of oil palm plantation together with its processing. Besides the availability of sufficient areas, climate and geographical location, Indonesia is also very suitable for oil palm plantation. In addition, the quality of palm oil is good, so its export market has widened. This situation opens the interest of prospective investors or businessmen of home and overseas to build agro business in Indonesia.
The Industrial Studies and Marketing of Plastic Raw Material and The Prospects in Indonesia Up to 2015

As we know that recently the manufacturer of plastic goods in Indonesia are having trouble getting the raw materials for the production. It is caused by the lack of availability of raw materials such as local producers are unable to meet the demand for plastic raw materials. Recently there are 20% to 60%, even for certain types of plastic raw materials still to be imported entirely.

Feasibility Study for Development and Investment Cement Factory in Indonesia

Having successfully published an analysis entitled "Feasibility Study Development Star Hotels in Indonesia 2009 - 2013", which have positive response from hotel investors and entrepreneurs in Indonesia December 2009 PT. RAYA UTAMA CISI has published an analysis entitled "Feasibility Study for Development and Investment Cement Factory in Indonesia". In the book discussed the overall growth of the cement business, the number of plants operating throughout Indonesia, the number of available production capacity at this time and other particulars relating to the cement business.

Feasibility Study On PALM OIL Plantation and Its Refinery, 2009

The agricultural sector has a crucial role in economic activities in Indonesia; this can be seen from its contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is quite large at around 13.66% in 2008, or a third after the sector Industry and Trade, Hotel & Restaurant. At the time of economic crisis, the agricultural sector is a sector that is strong enough facing economic shocks and reliable in national economic recovery.
Industrial Studies and Marketing of PULP & PAPER and Its business prospects in Indonesia, 2009

At a time in 2008, Chairman of the Indonesian Pulp and Paper Association, HM Mansur said that Indonesia requires the construction of a new paper plant each year following the growth in paper consumption of one kilogram per capita per year. The paper consumption in Indonesia continues to increase one kilogram per capita per year or approximately 220 thousand tons. Nowadays in domestic paper consumption is quite high, especially for the purposes of print media, books, packaging, tissue, and others.

Feasibility Study on Star HOTEL Development in Indonesia, 2009-2013

At the start of the second half of 2009, PT. CISI RAYA UTAMA (CISI) managed to make an analysis entitled "Feasibility Study of Development Star Hotels in Indonesia from 2009 to 2013". Discussed in the book the hotel business growth, the numbers of hotels operating throughout Indonesia, the number of rooms are available according to the classification and star respectively and other particulars relating to the hospitality business. The results of data collection from various sources, may know each of occupancy rate hotels according to the class, the average length of stay guests, including the number of foreign tourists visiting Indonesia.
Profiles  of CEMENT Industries In Indonesia, 2009

The growth of demand for cement increased significantly in 2008 by 11.41% or reaching 38.07 million tons, if compared with that in 2007 amounting to 34.17 million tons. Whereas, the growth of demand in 2007 went up only by 6.89%, if compared with the demand in 2006. Demand for cement in previous years is appraised to be sluggish. The significantly growing demand for cement in the last three years has close relation with the growing development of various infrastructures such as the development of roads, bridges, irrigation projects, electric power plants, residences, tourist resorts, hotels, apartments, office buildings, shopping centers and others. Whole development of those projects requires cement. In other words, the growth of demand for cement is also as an indicator towards the national economic growth.
The profile of 10 Business Performer Coal in Indonesia, 2009

Coal is a commodity fuel that has been known since antiquity, and the user particularly large industries such as cement plant, sugar plant, and transportation fuels, such as trains, ships and so forth. The condition and development of the use of coal as a fuel had been reduced several years ago, and many factories are replacing the fuel with Fuel Oil & Gas. However in early 90 coal re-enthused and major industries to re-use of coal. Even the recent medium industries also using coal such as the textile industry, ceramic industry and others.
The Comprehensive 40 MAJOR GROUP of Companies in Indonesia, 2008-2009

CISI RAYA UTAMA is an information consulting company with broad experience in research and investigation of companies in Indonesia and has been trusted by lots of institutions in worldwide. Based on professionalism and experience, P.T. CISI RAYA UTAMA has successfully compiled data and information of several companies and wrapped up in a report of groups of companies. It has been hard to compile data of company members of a group because the owners of the company have frequently changed. 

In this occasion, P.T. CISI RAYA UTAMA has successfully compiled and processed 40 units of company groups and presented in a book with the title of “THE COMPREHENSIVE 40 MAJOR GROUP OF COMPANIES IN INDONESIA 2008 - 2009”. We realize that the books still have lots of weaknesses and we are ready to receive critics for improvement.
The Exclusive Profile of The BIG-10 Indonesian Palm Oil Players, 2008

CISI Raya Utama is a consultant company with broad experience in producing and publishing various research studies in Indonesia. Today, P.T. CISI is publishing a special study with the title of “The Exclusive Profiles of THE BIG-10 INDONESIAN PALM OIL PLAYERS, 2008”

In this book, we have investigated 10 large sized company groups dealing with oil palm plantation and refinery from up stream to down stream. The criteria of large size company group are reflected from several factors including largeness and popularity of the group, rapid growth of the group in several last years, ownership of wide plantation areas, strong financial condition of subsidiary companies of the group and others.
Study on Prospect & Opportunity Business Apartement in DKI Jakarta, 2010

CISI Raya Utama is a consultant company with broad experience in producing and publishing various research studies in Indonesia. Today, P.T. CISI is publishing a special study with the title of “Study on Prospect & Opportunity Business Apartement in DKI Jakarta, 2010

In this book, we have investigated 10 large sized company groups dealing with oil palm plantation and refinery from up stream to down stream. The criteria of large size company group are reflected from several factors including largeness and popularity of the group, rapid growth of the group in several last years, ownership of wide plantation areas, strong financial condition of subsidiary companies of the group and others.
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